Saturday, November 03, 2007


I've been carrying my baby around ever since I got it (because it is so small and light!). Many a time, I come across some nice scenery and had a sudden inspiration to take pictures of these places.

No prizes for guessing where this was taken. This is the night-time version of a similar photo taken a couple of years ago. It's very 'interesting' to compare photos of the same place after some time.

Notice how good the partial reflection is at hiding the photographer (me)? I am nowhere to be found!

Here's another photo log of Tiong Bahru estate, which has recently been featured on the Monday, October 29, 2007 edition of "my paper" (我报) for it's attractive yuppie charm.


Coincidentally, I snapped the photos the previous Sunday, when I passed by the place on the bus on my way home. I suddenly had an urge to take a few pictures of the place/neighborhood where I spent 2-3 years of my early childhood! A lot has changed - the place I used to stay in has been torn down, with only an open field in its place.

Anyone interested to visit Tiong Bahru for the traditional yummy porridge and yuppie style cafes?

One of the antennas atop Mount Faber has Christmas lights! Here are some shots fo the antenna and my neighborhood from my floor. I encourage you step out to take a look at your surroundings from another angle - gives you new perspectives - this also applies to real life when dealing with people and emotions.

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