Sunday, November 04, 2007

Weekly Updates

Weekly Reports

Don't you just think writing weekly reports is a drag? It is a necessary evil at work, where doing so maintains your chance of survival in the company, but how about in daily life? If your life is so drab, uneventful and boring, what is there to write about, and what business is it of everyone else in the first place?

Fortunately, this is one of those weeks that comes with some discoveries. I haven't been out in a while, and I think it is time for me to catch up with my surroundings and what's happening around me since I am rather free these few days.

Change is the Only Constant

I would like to continue on my time-capsule theme by sharing these pictures of the construction going on in Orchard Road. If this blog is still around when the buildings are half, and fully complete, then I can further post photos of the same scene at those times. Does anyone know what they are building there?

This is taken at the corner of the junction outside Borders and Orchard Boulevard

This is taken from Paterson Road in-between Orchard Road and Orchard Boulevard outside Borders.

Harris bookstore beside Popular at Orchard MRT is closing. Everything is going for 20% off store-wide. There are still some good books there - grab them while you can. It's rather surprising to see them closing shop, but maybe, just maybe, rents are too high (this is Orchard MRT no doubt), and they are selling mainly mainstream books. It make more economic sense to move the business elsewhere and let more profitable/popular businesses (like Popular?) take over the place.

Hmm ... I am wondering, is the rent there really expensive?? Just beside it, there is a discount fashion and shoe shop with hardly any decoration to speak of (is the money saved from lack of decoration the reason why that shop is able to last for so long while other hippy looking shops like Harris are closing??)

Moving Back in Time?

Saw this article in today's 晚报 (yeah yeah, I read such trash)。

Exorbitant prices of bread and ice-cream at a time when the economy is supposed to be booming.

All of a sudden, prices are escalating like crazy - from oil, to flour, and now ice-cream? I was looking for something to eat on Friday night in Chinatown, and settled for my favourite Pad Thai at the edge of the food street. A simple Pad Thai dish ($8) and a Lemon grass drink ($3) costs $11! The place is one major tourist trap! I let it go because I was glad to be satisfying my craving for my tasty 泰式果条, but this is really ridiculous! I miss the good old days when coffee or tea costed 3 cents and a bowl of noodles went for 5 cents.


今天在逛商场的时候看到了几张光碟,结果忍不住就买了整套《咏春》(2007)(上下集)连续剧。真的不敢相信,我竟然买了谢霆锋演出的作品 (这下糟了,肯定得罪锋锋的粉丝了)。那其实也没什么关系,因为我把它当作买给我老爸看的。

精明的读者们就会发现为什么还有一份《杀破狼》的电影光碟呢? 对了!真聪明!那是因为昨天在电视上看了一遍,而且觉得里面的动作场面蛮精彩的。 这张光碟还是未经删剪的呢!一回家就看了,果然是由一些镜头是电视版所没有的。

由此可以看得出我对武术动作片还挺感兴趣的。我本身也学过一年多的咏春拳, 很惭愧得自己还不能成什么气候。应该开始继续练习啦!

Totally unrelated plug: die die must buy Straits Times on Thursdays, throw away all other sections except Urban (cos my friend is in the editing team).

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