Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Can you believe it?? I went grocery shopping on Sunday evening - 10 years after I first started doing it in college, which stopped when I returned to Singapore.

I was walking around in Cold Storage looking for kiwi fruits, seedless grapes, Hawaii papayas and Ribena, when I chanced upon this! It looked so novel and irresistible that I simply had to buy it to try, see that it's like! And the bottle cap - it's so quirky! I thought they phased these out 20 years ago!! :-)

It's a four-pack. The half empty (full?) bottle on the right was drunk by me (burp!).

Oh, here's a real-life shot of my new phone (needs charging every 2 days!)

Please pardon my dirty desk (if you have not noticed, it's supposed to be white Formica).

Ok, pardon my sleepy head. It's way past my bedtime .... koonzzzzzzzzzzzzzz already!

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