Monday, October 29, 2007

Celebrity Blogs

Spent my entire weekend waiting for a mobilization that never came (which is just as well 'cos i really don't want to lug all the stuff to and fro). What matters is that we are well-prepared.

My attempt to sleep before midnight this Sunday evening has been thwarted yet again, this time by a woman no less. :-) Well, I know how some of you might interpret this, but no, I am not that lucky, even though I secretly (what an oxymoron) wish for it to be a recurring 'problem' :-P.

I visited for the first time (linked off for some news feeds. From there, I chanced on a blog which had links to various celebrity blogs, the first being that of Live the Dream babe host Andrea Fonseka and I just clicked the link almost by reflex.

Knowing full well that people do NOT put their innermost feelings on their blogs and you can never draw any conclusion about a person's character from reading their blogs, I have to say that Andrea comes across as a rather sensible girl. Hence I would recommend her blog as a celebrity blog worth reading.

Alright, time to hit the sack, otherwise I may get the sack for getting in to work late. Good night!

Meanwhile, I'll drop another bait to whet your appetite - my favorite female singer Joi Chua 蔡淳佳 - listening to her has such an amazing calming and soothing effect on me, every time. She appeared on local TV last Sunday, and she was really beautiful, absolutely stunning!

P.S. ECE Alum Dinner on Wednesday, 31 October 2007, 7pm, Carlton Hotel

P.P.S. I've updated my books entry several times over the weekend too. See if you can catch the difference!

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