Friday, May 02, 2003

first ever entry

Finally got my HTTP file upload script to run through successfully, using cURL. What a relief! Now that the concept has been proven, what's left is to add in some informative progress ' indicator messages, and then pack the thing into a self-extracting ZIP archive. Hope it is able to run the batch file upon opening the archive executable. Oh yeah, hope that those guys don't come asking for a Windows GUI for the thing... ' bengz

Caught X-Men 2 with Sidney and Sherri after dinner. The themes from X-Men 1 are carried over into X2, but X2 also has a few new themes of its own. There is a lot more action in X2 compared to X1. A notable addition in X2 is the appearance of Kelly Hu as the female version of Wolverine, super regenerative abilities plus an Adamantium skeleton - her 'claws' grow out of her finger nails in the most elegant manner. Too bad she died before the audience (okay, I admit it is just me) could get enough of her perfect bodily curves. What a waste...

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