Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm doing a plug (voluntarily) for a friend who runs an online extension to their printing business. Click on the title of this post, or visit the "You shoot it, We print it!" (the caption had input from me :-)) link by the side.

I like combining the wonders of modern Internet technology with traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. The technology is there, and the possibilities are endless. It really takes an open-mindedness and a forward looking attitude to make these things possible.

Companies should really take full advantage of all this booming technology to improve their business processes. The era of running your business and operations on spreadsheets has passed, but sadly, so many companies are still using methods from 20 years ago.

What is the winning combination? Just remember this acronym: N.O.T.I.T.!

Need, Opportunity, Technology, Imagination, Talent.

1 comment:

dcaz said...

Hey Kok Hong,

Thanks for the Plug! Appreciate it :D:D