To Buy or not to Buy (or which one?)
My mum's ancient Nokia 3210 is getting cranky, refusing to cooperate. Cracking my brains over which new phone to buy for her. Should I get a phone upgrade at the expense of another 2 year contract? Should I stick with Singtel or go with M1? The possibiities are endless.There was a phone shop in the neighborhood centre, but the range there is not very wide, choices not many, Ought to shop around some more. Should I get a second hand unit? I may need a tri-band phone for myself when I travel occasionally to the US (via Japan). Feel quite naked without a phone.
The Market Reloaded
For the first time in more than ten years, I went with my mum to the market. Bought some vegies, lunch and of course 4D. This is one activity which I should engage in more often. There is more to life than just work and work and work ...
What is Community Service?
So the few students who were around for the brisk walking session for the past 2 weeks were from RJC fulfilling their community service hours. To them this is more of fulfilling a school requirement than outright altruism (although I do agree that doesn't really exist nowadays, espeially in Singapore). I didn't remember in my time we were required to do community service.
When we did visit an old folks home during an event when I was in JC2, I was the unfriendly stranger on the bus who didn't like to talk to anybody, but I really scored points with the elders (because they mainly spoke cantonese and RJC students are mostly too 'ang mor sai'). Alright, the rest of them were shyly standing at one side waiting for someone to start the ball rolling so naturally I stepped in and did a great job.
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