Friday, July 04, 2003

Positive Thinking Visited

The warning signs are all there. I really have to do some serious self-reflection. They say a leopard never changes its spots, but try I will, and succeed will I. I really need to be more positive about life. This previous statement is already a good start by not mentioning the negative.

Too much complaining and looking at things from a negative standpoint has already gotten me into trouble many times. It is really bad PR to be doing such things. I am lucky to have many concerned people who remind me that positivity wins at the end of the day. Thank you very much, you know who you are! Well, if you read my site that is ...

Will people start seeing and hearing a better me? I definitely wish it to be so. However I still need guidance from many people. Tough as it might seem, I really have to get it right!

I just came across this site about positive thinking

"Always look on the bright side of life ... " by Monty Python.

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