Saturday, October 04, 2008


Well, it's not too long till the next post, is it?

Alright, whoever invented the crap to make resolutions only during new year must have been really lazy. Goal setting should be continuous. Time and tide waits for no (wo)man.

Now I shall update my resolutions:
  1. Cut my cubing times to under a minute. I've been doing the vanilla method for 15 years. No value has been added apart from the 1 week learning the algorithms and 3 months of practice. I'm going to learn a new method, starting NOW.
  2. Improve my running times to 12:30 for 2.7km. Yeah, you can laugh, but I am only competing with myself. Once I reach this milestone, I'll be aiming for A grade for 2.4km, and finally Gold Standard.
  3. Spend my free-time more productively. I've been wasting away my free time. Where has all the fire and energy gone? I'm getting too comfortable I guess, this is why I am not making an impact. 这匹千里马何时会遇见他的伯乐? (Alright, I know this is vague, but my mind is constantly brimming with ideas, making it hard to focus, this is one of my weak points I guess)

There are still a couple of areas in my life that I still cannot get a grip on, guess this is the drawback for being so left-brained. What's wrong? Do I really have to figure it out for myself? Why do some people seem to tell you a lot, but also have a lot of things hidden in the closet?

There are sometimes when you are confused with certain things, and people often want a straightforward answer. But the other parties concerned refuse to come straight to the point, because they are afraid to hurt your feelings, don't they realize, this by itself is also rather damaging?

I've learnt to accept, over the years, that some answers do not need to be spoken, and would better be kept ambiguous, but then this would leave a lot of issues pending without closure, or if there is a misunderstanding, then it might lead to a lifetime of regret.

Is closure really that important?

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