Friday, August 07, 2009

Exciting Trip

I've had a pretty exciting Taiwan business trip so far:

  • On only my second night in Taiwan, I was awakened by a Richter 6.2 earthquake.
  • A typhoon brushed by Taiwan a few days later.
  • I went hiking on Yangming mountain.
  • I went para-sailing in Jinshan.
  • I was woken by another earthquake (this one made it to the news in Singapore)
  • Some people in a neighboring hotel room decided to simulate their own earthquake shortly after.
  • I attended the 2009 computer applications fair in Taipei.
  • On the eve of my departure, my flight was delayed for a day due to typhoon Morakot.

Now how exciting is that!

Taiwan 3C

Taiwan has several computer and electronic retailers that sell a wide range of computers, communications, and consumer electronic products, thereby the term 3C.

A lot of products from homegrown Taiwan brands like Acer, Asus, and Dlink are not sold outside Taiwan, or they might be cheaper in Taiwan. These websites will provide a good comparison shopping exercise.

This is a list of the online storefronts from a few of these retailers.
  • 名人3C量贩 (Ming Ren); Website:
  • 灿坤 (Can Kun); Website:
  • 全国电子 (National); Website:
This list is not comprehensive, but is a good start. There are some pretty good bargains to be had, especially if you pay cash in full or take advantage of some of the online special deals.

For example, I bought my Acer Aspire Revo R3600 (Linux edition) from Ming Ren in Hsinchu at a rather good price. At the time of writing, this product is not sold in Singapore. I had to say that their service was good, personal, and friendly. They even offer free delivery to my Hsinchu science park location.

Update 2010-04-14 - adding some more to the list:
  • 顺发 3C -
  • ePrice 比价王 -
  • 欣亚数位3C -